is definitely something strange and weird about the USA Dollar. From
hidden secrets and symbols to cataclysmic prophecies the Dollar has it
all. Just have a look at this initial collection of bizarre findings.
Please note that there are so many secrets that we've classified this as
a "live" page which means we'll keep adding to it. These secrets only seem to appear in the Dollar currency. We've looked
for similar effects in the Pound, the Rupee, the Euro and even the Rand
without any success. However, with the Dollar we just keep on finding
them! After Months of study we can honestly say that the Dollar is the
most complex, intelligent, intricate, mysterious and beautiful of
currencies. It is the perfect representation of Art and Science.
Prophecy of doom or even an incitement to terrorism? This is an ordinary 20 Dollar banknote It was first printed in 1928 and is known as the "Jackson Bill". The version shown in the images was printed in 2003 (after the 9/11 attacks but the image of the White House is essentially the same as in earlier versions). We are trying to access an original 1928 bill and to see if the effect described below is the same. Please feel free to try this for yourself - we did! The secrets become clear. First take the 20 Dollar Bill and fold it in half as shown in the diagram to the right. Then do a 45 degree fold to match up perfectly with the centre of the Bill's width. (Fig 3) Repeat the same process with the opposite side and ensure that the centre line and the top of the banknote are in alignment. (Fig 2) An image immediately becomes clear. It is the top of a three or four story building with smoke billowing out of its central facade. It looks very similar (but definitely not identical) to the classic photograph of the Pentagon after it was struck by a Boeing 757 - Flight 77. This, in itself, is strangely disturbing but simply turning the folded 20 dollar bill to its opposite side reveals an even more concerning picture. It is a single skyscraper in the process of collapsing in exactly the same manner as the second doomed tower of the New York World Trade Centre did (WTC2). This alone should give you pause for thought but now unfold the banknote and the creases form an octagonal design. (Shown in the diagram with red over-lines) The exact centre point lines up with Oval Office which is exactly on the other side of the building at a 13 degree trajectory. It is widely believed that the White house was supposed to be the 3rd target of the 9/11 attacks. Are these "Coincidences" a 1920's prophecy of doom or were these "strange images" the very reason that the targets were selected in the first place. Did someone show Osama the trick and say ... "Hey! I know what we should attack." THE EA EA MYSTERY There is a further oddity. The lines of the folds overlay two of the same large letters twice. "EA EA" This is said to represent the first level of the Masonic Rite and stands for Entered Aprentice. TRUSTED OWING It's also interesting to note that if you take the letters "In God We Trust" and rearrange them then the spell out "Trusted Owing" the very heart of the concept of money |
Much has been written on the Internet about the number thirteen and its relationship to the secrets of the Dollar Bill. A lot of it is Interesting but some of it may take you in the wrong direction! Here is some new information. There are five numbers that repeat themselves with noticeable regularity. They are: 3, 6, 9, 12 and 13. The first four (quarters) are all linear multipliers of three (3) and represent the geometric thirds and the original Trinity. (An important concept in deep Masonic teachings; hence the title - a 33 degree Mason - the highest rank.) They are also the proportions of the "Golden Mean" which was so important to Da Vinci "The Real Da Vinci Code" and the Fibonacci sequence and considered the "Natural Miracle of proportions". One source claims that this is part of the Great Secret that is only usually revealed to a "32 degree Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret" in preparation for his ascent to the position of 33 degrees.) They are also the parametres of the parallelogram grid used to design all else on the Dollar Bill. Why? Take any number in the universe and divide it by three (3) and it will repeat to Infinity. This is believed to be the Masonic interpretation of the Divine. Proof of the existence of the "Great Architect". So why was 13 so important? It dates back to the existence of two organisations - The Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller. Both were Christian Warrior Orders established to protect pilgrims to Jerusalem. (Please bear with us and do your own research as we are trying to cram a thousand pages into a few paragraphs.) The Hospitallars stayed "Pious" and today are commonly known as St. John's Ambulance the Knights Templar introduced the first promissory currency and so became "God's Bankers". The word "Banker" originally meant "Holder of Valuables" Their power grew to such an extent that they potentially threatened both the Roman Catholic Pope Clement V and the French King Philip IV. On Friday the "13th" of October 1307 a secret order issued by the Pope to destroy the Order was carried out with vicious efficiency using the excuse of Heresy and Demon worship. Most of the Templar wealth was confiscated but a significant proportion was saved. The persecution of the Knights had been worst in France where it benefited the French King but in other countries remnants survived. |
What happened to
the wealth of the Knights Templar is uncertain. It is one of the great
unsolved secrets. There is an interesting coincidence that some of the
first references to the Freemasons (1390) start to appear shortly after
the original persecution. There are also a number of similarities
between the two organisations. Both have a physical and symbolic link to
the Temple of Solomon, both have a strong belief in a supreme being,
both have ritual secrets and both have a focus on living an honourable
life and doing charitable works. Finally, both organisations have always
seemed to been associated with banking. Terry Pratchet, in his novel
"Making Money" reminds us that banks often look like temples.
We could write books about the discovery of America by the Europeans and there would still be debate. It is fair to say that the actions of Christopher Columbus in 1492 - 1493 did create a wide awareness that a continent did indeed exist across the Atlantic. The years that followed saw several of the great "Old World" countries take a significant colonial interest in the "New World". Between 1492 and 1776 the Spanish, Dutch, French and British all laid claims to various parts of the land mass. During the period 1720 and 1776 two interesting developments coincided. It was during this period that the Freemason movement gained significant numbers and strength and at the same time the desire for independence was growing stronger in the American Colonies. A theory about the origins of the Dollar Bill and Great Seal is This: Many people had moved to the New world in order to live safe from the "Royal and Religious prejudice of Europe". It is highly likely that amongst these people were influential descendants of the both Freemasons and the Knights Templar. (Perhaps the Freemasons were the descendants of the Templars) Core to their beliefs was the creed that "All Men are Created Equal" and that "Liberty for All" should be part of their eternal "Constitution". The number 13, the date on which they were originally betrayed, was (and still is) built into all their works as a warning to future generations. It even dictated the original number of States.
As such, the designers of the
original Great Seal and those who continue to design the USA Currency
(the treasury department) still include many geometric and image-based
secrets that add to the mystery of the Dollar. Possibly the descendants
of "God's Bankers" still included the number 13 to remind their
descendants that betrayal can happen at any time.... (Please note that the current One dollar bill was printed in 1963 - the first One dollar Bill was printed in 1862.)
This is one of the most commonly known "secrets" of the Dollar Bill. Hidden
in the top left curve of the shield shape that surrounds the number one
is a tiny deviation from the geometric web. This shape is called the
spider or sometimes the Owl. It certainly does not appear to be an
accident of design but a deliberate modification of the underlying web
or mesh pattern If you then examine the matching number one on
the opposite side a simulation o a spider' web becomes clear. Neither
the "Spider" nor the "Web" are perfect representations. This may be that
to make them so would have revealed them too easily when the Bill was
first being designed. It is also said that if you rotate the image it
becomes the sign of Piracy - The skull and cross bones. The more we
tried to enhance the image the less it looked correct. Still, you decide
for yourselves.
It has long been known that USA banknotes are designed using sophisticated geometric patterns based on powerful ancient symbols. We have so much proof of this that it is no longer in any doubt. (We have a whole new and very detailed section about this coming soon.) It should not be surprising that extreme close-up photographic examination of the banknote can reveal strange secrets. It's part of the "Magic" of the Dollar. This is the Shiva Secret. At the base of the One Dollar Bill and on both sides the background web of lines and loops form a distinctive image of the Hindu God Shiva. Hindu beliefs are less structured and have variations in their teachings. Shiva is often described as the Supreme God and sometimes as Shiva the Destroyer or Transformer. The pictures to the right clearly demonstrate the point. |
There is another powerful and distinctive geometric shape that can be found hidden in the mesh of the One Dollar Bill. If you look at the top left hand corner at the pattern behind the letters "One" and the large numeral you can see the shape of a Maltese Cross. This is the symbol of the Knights of Malta otherwise known as the Knights Hospitallars. Their full name was (is) The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta. It is worth noting that when the Knights Templar were betrayed and their order dissolved in 1312 much of their wealth found its way to the Knights of Malta. It is very worth noting that the Order's Island fortress and home of Malta was captured by Napoleon in 1798 and many of the Hospitallar financiers fled to the newly independent country of America. |