How To Write a Love Letter
- Use terms of endearment or personal meaning. If the two of you use special nicknames for each other, include them in your letter. Or try out some new sweet names that suggest your loved one's characteristics or personality. Don't stop with using such terms in the greeting; mention them occasionally throughout the letter in expressions like these: "My dear Janice" (rather than "Dear Janice") "It's been a long week without my dear one..." "Your amber eyes are often in my thoughts."
- Reflect on the past. Mention special times the two of you shared, whether it was when you met, how you courted, conflicts you overcame, or celebrations you've shared. A common history is a hallmark of longevity and helps to bond a couple over time. You may want to remind the loved one of certain people you used to visit or events you attended together. Make your letter a bit nostalgic to rouse the reader's sentiment.
- Celebrate the present. Talking about current events makes them more real, even when you cannot be together to enjoy them. Describe recent times you spent together, even if they were simple things like raking leaves or sipping iced tea on the front porch. Everyday memories have a special magic of their own when shared with someone we care deeply about. Putting them into words that remain permanently etched in writing give them a memorable quality that helps to brand them in both writer and reader's memory for future reflection. Here's an example: "Do you remember last summer when we had that argument about country music while in the car? I noticed how pretty you looked, your cheeks on fire, your eyes aflame, when you spoke with such passion! I loved you then, and even more now, despite any disagreements we may have."
- Anticipate the future. Write about planned events or long-term goals that the two of you can share. Whether it's about saving money or going on a cruise, the very notion of working toward a mutual cause will bring the two of you closer even in writing: "I really appreciate your giving up coffee mochas to save for our Alaska cruise next year. I can tell this means a lot to you, and I can't wait for us to share this adventure together. My contribution is giving up commercial car washes; I'll wash the Chevy myself from now on. Every little bit helps!"
- Close with a romantic conclusion. The last words you write may well be the ones that are longest remembered. Include tender expressions of your affection, a physical caress indicated in words, and the hope of being reunited soon. The letter becomes a guarantee of your regard and a promise of continued commitment.
- Use attractive stationery. Get a pretty card or nice-looking paper with matching envelopes for your note. Hand-write it if possible. Keep it clean and folded neatly. Mail it promptly, so you don't forget or lose it. Writing a love letter does not have to be difficult. It just takes a few minutes of thoughtful concern to put into words the sincere feelings that lodge in your heart.